Winds of Change

Thanks to the nudging and support of my wife, I’ve been back at some things… which is to say I’ve released and re-released four of my books on Amazon, complete with paperback editions. Be advised that the following links go to and open in a new tab: Bold Curves, Sector Bomb, Every One Fight, and Soft Hearts, Hard Memories are all now available at all Amazon digital retailers. Oh yeah, and I found those sneaky little typos that plagued the previous editions, so that’s good.
The eBook editions are pretty cheap, and I’ve set the paperback editions at a reasonable price, and what’s more if you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read all of these for free! Of course I haven’t left the Smashword Editions out in the cold. They’ve been updated with the same manuscript updates and now reflect the same prices, as well. Amazon is just making it so much easier to publish my works. Kindle Creator is clumsy, but produces a consistent, functional result that is hard to argue with, whereas Smashwords complains about ePub formatting that’s just too complex and time consuming for me to get involved with.
I know, it’s a big deal that I’m writing again! If you don’t know that’s your cue. This means I’ll be getting back to work soon, and also that what I’m now calling the Greatshale Chronicles is not just back on track but soon to be available via the usual means of release. There’s a whole issue of publishing becoming increasingly difficult and inaccessible that deserves an article, but now isn’t the time.
In no way should access to Canadian publishing industry names burn up $300-$400, but it does and here we are.
On a totally related note, I yanked down Remarkable Objects, another anthology, which during my … uh, medical situation … saw the re-release of several existing stories. Whoops. So, because I can, I added the new stories to the Bold Curves Anthology. There have been some price adjustments, but that’s it. No other changes until the big announcement for Greatshale Chronicles Volume I: Sliver of Light.