
Four days ago Every One Fight was accepted to Smashwords Premium, which means it is available, well, everywhere. Goodreads, even. Scary. I’d love to say it’s in print, but it’s not. Smashwords is for the moment my sole publisher. It’s great but not. On a brighter note I completed my...

  • June 11, 2014

One: Backhand Fist What hope do you see in this glass star, anyway? Good core but next to no livable surface area thanks to a generous coating of toxic minerals. You can call the military shielding an act of Phate if you want, but I say blind luck was our...

  • June 10, 2014

Editing proceeds apace. It really does. I’ve turned some kind of corner and the writing I’ve been about for the last decade and a half all fits together now. It’ll fit even better when I finish editing and re-writing the parts that don’t fit (grin), but boy am I pleased....

  • June 6, 2014

https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/444405 One: Backhand Fist There was this one thought I couldn’t get out of Pop’s head, and that was the strange idea he had about me and marathon running. Built like I was Doctor Namiki warned me I’d pop a lung, so I put my foot down and raised my...

  • June 4, 2014

Taking a big step: Publishing for the first time ever. Here’s the synopsis and a link to Every One Fight. More thoughts tomorrow. Waiting on Smashwords to approve the novella to Premium.

  • June 3, 2014

So for the handful of you reading, I apologize, and thank you for your patience while I have sorted things out. Unfortunately in the fracas I managed to misplace half of chapter 7. This means I need to re-write it.

  • February 28, 2013

To me, life is precious, and thus according to the respect for it in me desire to tell a worthwhile tale, and not accept corrupt profit models for a few extra dollars. Call it professional suicide, if you like.

  • January 15, 2013