my view

Another book as arrived and is knocking on my door with a full backpack of inspiration, and yes, it is in the Canor “universe”. It will feature many of the characters I’ve loved writing about for … good gravy, is it like, nearly a decade? I published Every One Fight in 2014, and I started that perhaps a year before. There it is, almost a decade.

  • May 12, 2022

Another book is on the way, percolating as I go along. Looking forward to learning all the details as I write! Boy am I ever grateful to Heavenly Father for His guidance and inspiration. It even has a title, but that will come in time and there’s even a cover...

  • February 7, 2021

So yeah, things have improved for me, even moving at the speed of medicine. I’m not ungrateful, that would be selfish and wrong, and not just because it’s the “Canadian” thing to do, or be, depending on how you see our culture. Meeting Karen, and getting married thereafter, is the...

  • January 11, 2021

It doesn’t look so bad, at first. Gamers start with structures and routines and improve our mental reflexes, test our psychological boundaries and have varying regard for the morality of life. Yes, the absolute morality of family and integrity upon which world culture was founded. Now that we understand that,...

  • August 16, 2017

This article was originally featured at Where I Began I have a vague recollection of the first time I picked up a Super Nintendo Entertainment System controller that vaulted me into Chrono’s distinctive reality. Memory can be vague, and I could imagine that it was in the company of...

  • January 23, 2017

I spent twelve years composing music (“tracking”) for Trideja, and having officially retired sometime in … 2001, I’ve stayed in contact with those still active in the scene and even contribute here and there when time allows. Tracking is a time consuming process, moreso than picking up any instrument, though...

  • January 22, 2016

I’m going to migrate the content of my gaming blog to this, as I realized there’s no reason to segregate the material. It may upset the cart a little here as I play with themes that incorporate the images I use in the reviews posted there. Thank you for your...

  • January 20, 2016

My thoughts are small at this time, they certainly seem so in the wake of the loss on such a great scale. I have never known a man able to connect zithromax no prescription with experience so honestly, and I know I never shall again. He was a man of...

  • January 11, 2016

‘Psuedo-random’ is how I heard a programmer refer to most number generators. What makes one truly random I have no idea, but a real impact of this process is seeing the same numbers on rapid succession, hence the psuedo.

  • June 5, 2015

We seem to have come at it from the wrong end of things: if it’s broken, throw money at it. My nephew made an amusing and accurate observation while we examined the purpose of three waist-high rock laid on the corner of access to a parking lot.

  • May 27, 2015